KBANK launches KCBL Class 1 for new generation of Chinese executives  To promote Thai-Chinese commercial network 


Mitihoon – Recently, at  Rat Burana Building of KASIKORNBANK (KBank), Mr. Banthoon Lamsam (third from right), Chairman Emeritus of KBank, and Assoc. Prof. Pavika Sriratanaban, Ph.D. (third from left), Director of the Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University and Mr. Arm Tungnirun, Ph.D. (second from left), Director of the Chinese Studies Center, Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University, joined the opening ceremony of a training course for Chinese executives, “K-Academy for Chinese Business Leaders”, or KCBL Class 1, to provide Chinese businesspersons knowledge and understanding related to Thailand’s macro and micro economic conditions. The course will also serve to cultivate business networks and to open up new opportunities for senior management, business owners, public officers, industrialists and investors of the two countries to forge cordial relations among themselves. 

KCBL Class 1, held during January 19 – April 11, 2024, is joined by 43 participants, with prominent experts and those with important roles in the Thai business sector and trade with China as speakers. A study visit to the “Nan Sandbox” project in Nan province will be organized during January 28-30, 2024, with the aim of presenting to Chinese business leaders the effort to create sustainability for communities under the concept of “Human Cohabitation with Forests”. KCBL participants will not only immerse themselves in Thai culture, understand the Thai business context in depth, and build concrete business networks through theoretical studies, but they will also gain practical experience through a field trip.

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